Digitalization and automation of processes at CHUC

Learn about a successful case of process optimization, digitalization and operational efficiency in the health sector.

ARMIS participates in Webinar on GPDER project

On June 29th the webinar about the GPDER project, of which ARMIS is an integral part, took place.

ARMIS IT in Rome for CIRED 2023

As a member of the GPDER project consortium and member of the SCALE project consortium, ARMIS will be present at CIRED 2023 in Rome.

ARMIS Tabletop Exercise: Enhancing your Cyber Response Posture

The Tabletop Exercise will take place on June 22, focusing on a practical approach to security for a resilient and Artificial Intelligence-based posture.

SWitCH QA: Session with Elis Silva

Elis Silva shared with the students of the SWitCH QA program her knowledge and the integration of a Quality Department in projects.

ARMIS presents Webinar "How to modernize your office physical space through technology"

We found out whether companies are ready for workspace modernization and smart, efficient monitoring.

ARMIS Information Technology is SME Leader 2022

ARMIS Information Technology is considered SME Leader 2022.

ARMIS Workshop | "Power BI in your Pocket: How to Explore Corporate Data”

The last event of the series promoted by ARMIS addressed the creation of an agile and secure corporate data environment.

ARMIS develops application for administrative efficiency at JJ Teixeira

The low-code solution that was implemented has led to the modernization and agility of the administrative teams' daily processes.

Domain Consolidation for one of the largest retail organizations in Brazil

Practicality and Cybersecurity are the key to an innovative and efficient domain consolidation.

ARMIS Workshop | "Power BI in your Pocket: How to Explore Corporate Data

The last event of the series produced by ARMIS addresses the creation of an agile and secure enterprise data environment.

Security and agility: Euronext workspace management through Workplace HUB

Implemented by ARMIS Information Technology, the Workplace HUB has improved the convenience of controlling workspaces for Euronext.

ARMIS is invited to talk about Cybersecurity and digital maturity in the Observer Lab

Francisco Falcão, Head of Identity and Security at ARMIS, brought all the know-how in cybersecurity in a video full of information that shows the way to build effectively secure systems and networks in organizations.

ARMIS Workshop | "Power BI in your Pocket: the revolution for Financial Services"

ARMIS invites the entire financial sector to explore the full potential of new working models through technology.

Digital Transformation at CarNext: understand what is behind agile information management

With an automated information flow CarNext was able to maximise its results with much more innovation.

How the Ageas Portugal Group generates engagement and creates value in its teams through a collaborative intranet

The insurer has brought digitalization to foster more agile, close, secure, and transparent communication.

Discover the solution to the challenge of corporate parking in large cities

Workplace Hub offers a solution to the challenge of parking in large cities with efficient management of workspaces and parking spaces.

Generative AI: The Next Frontier for Business Innovation

AI is not just about automating tasks or analyzing data. It is also about creating new possibilities and opportunities for human creativity and innovation.

Advanced Data for a Smart Business Strategy

Managing information and exploiting the full potential that data offers may seem like a difficult task in times of globalization. For this reason, advanced use of Power BI can be the differentiator putting organizations ahead of technological trends.

How to Accelerate Business Growth with Azure OpenAI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, innovate, and compete. AI allows businesses to automate processes, optimize decisions, enhance customer experiences, and generate new insights.

How to implement a Cybersmart strategy in your organization

Discover new solutions to protect your data and your customer's data with ARMIS.

Data & Artificial Intelligence: Advantages, solutions, and the future of automated systems

The phenomenon of Data & Artificial Intelligence applications in industries around the world is revolutionizing production processes, making them more efficient, intelligent, and productive.

Security Operations by Design: Cloud Security and Threat Protection

The way we work has changed radically in the context in which we live today. Mobility paradigms had to be quickly adopted by organizations, due to the current constraints.

Organizational Security in the age of digitalization: the path to a holistic approach

For companies to protect themselves, it is necessary to create an evolutionary flow with well-defined, planned operational processes, integrating the various departments of each organization.

Server-focused security: a checklist for secure information

Exploitation of flaws has become more frequent and, therefore, it is necessary to ensure data protection on all fronts.

Fostering a diverse cybersecurity workforce in organizations

Cyberattacks have seen a 28% increase worldwide in Q3 2022. Are organizations equipped with the tools to counter this trend

Digital transformation starts with efficient management of physical workspaces

New work models are here to stay, and making the physical spaces of organizations more modern and prepared for digitalization is more than a necessity.

European Cybersecurity Month: How to empower organizations' Security

Never has the subject of Cybersecurity been so relevant as it is today. The news about cyber attacks on large companies all over the world keep coming, and Portugal is no exception. More than ever, it's important to talk about the best ways to protect your company.

The Future of Bank Digitalization: Modern Workplace at the Service of the Financial Industry

The financial sector is facing a constant technological evolution. But are all institutions thinking about end-to-end modernization?

The Role of Collaborative Technology in a Modern Workplace

New work models increasingly demand agility, integration, and collaboration among teams. Discover now the power of technology and collaborative tools.

European Cybersecurity Month: Discover the resources that enhance organizations' security

Access our cybersecurity resources and tips from the ARMIS IT experts.

Teams as a Platform - Integration with Power Platform

With more than 75 million daily active users and new hybrid working models, companies and their employees have already become familiar with the power of Microsoft Teams.