22 Nov, 2021

The Role of Collaborative Technology in a Modern Workplace


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New work models increasingly demand agility, integration, and collaboration among teams. Discover now the power of technology and collaborative tools.

The path to digitalization evolves every day and the future of work is already here. Today, teams are distributed in different physical spaces, new accessibility models have emerged, and complex issues involve the security of the digital environment.

In this scenario, technology has become a strategic and fundamental tool for project management, information management, integration among teams, and access security. Today, modernization runs through the entire way an organization works, making digitalization and company culture necessary.
The new digital platforms then become what we call the modern work environment. Organizations are increasingly interested in the idea of having a global communication channel or collaborative platform available that helps them to avoid fostering silos of data and communication.

Communication systems within a company connect people, enable the sharing of relevant information, and present project management dashboards, precisely in order to boost collaboration and productivity.

Thus, in modern work environments, technology improves the employee experience and their perceptions of the company. This reduces, for example, problems such as turnover (employee turnover). The entire company must be informed, and in this sense, collaborative platforms are able to organize communication and involve people, leveraging collective knowledge.

Another relevant point is the concern of the human resources areas with the mental health of their teams. Research shows a significant growth in disorders caused by stress at work, and in this sense, some technologies already support the management of activities so that employees have a healthy, pleasant, and developmental routine, making them produce with more quality and bring relevant contributions to the organization.

An example of technology that brings improvements to the well-being of employees is Microsoft Viva. This tool sends notifications with information about what the work pattern is, how long the employee stays in meetings, and how much concentration and collaboration time is spent. Thus, time management and activity planning become clearer, promoting productivity and a balance between personal and professional life.

The existence of a global communication platform is also a way to enhance collaboration within a company. Designed to improve internal communication and to meet the challenges of global collaboration, a cloud-based intranet solution combines technologies that will foster employee productivity. A platform like this is developed to improve global connectivity and collaboration challenges. Internal communication is enhanced through easy access to information and corporate content.

Cybersecurity is not left out when the topic is the future of work. With remote access, especially on unified global platforms, companies need to be aware of technologies that support data protection. New technologies for modern work environments bring several frameworks that are pillars for robust security systems, such as artificial intelligence, identity and access management, and user profile management.

Besides the investment in technology, the construction of a digital security culture also plays a fundamental role so that employees do not fall into traps and are the drivers of possible security attacks. Workshops and training and communication actions are always welcome to disseminate knowledge about digital security.
Therefore, the combination of an organizational culture that educates employees about digital security and technologies that enhance cybersecurity results in an ideal plan to prevent cyberattacks.

Therefore, if your organization wants to lead the future, you need to invest in technologies that enhance collaboration and productivity, which can benefit your company in:


  • Digitization and modernization of the corporate environment;
  • Team autonomy;
  • Agility in the access to information;
  • Interaction between teams with agility and practicality;
  • Decisions based on data;
  • Centralization of communication on a single platform;
  • Improved employee experience in relation to the company;
  • More health and professional development for your employees;
  • More security for your company's data.

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