04 Mar, 2024

ARMIS LAB@FEUP hosts workshop to present AI thesis


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ARMIS LAB@FEUP promotes joint research projects between ARMIS and associated companies and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). The results were presented at a workshop held last Friday, March 1, at FEUP.

ARMIS LAB@FEUP was born out of ARMIS joining the FEUP Prime program in 2022 and aims to encourage the exchange and creation of scientific knowledge in Computer Engineering, as well as the development of technologies that foster innovation and the competitiveness of companies in the sector.   


The workshop consisted of the presentation of Master's theses currently being developed in this Laboratory. The main theme is Artificial Intelligence: applied to Mobility, Sports, Security and Software Engineering.   


The session was attended by Carlos Costa (ARMIS’ Chairman), Vítor Marques (Head of Artificial Intelligence & RPA at ARMIS) and Joel Carneiro (AI Architect at ARMIS) - who are responsible for the partnership - as well as Ivan Fonseca (Head of Products at ARMIS Digital Sport). On behalf of FEUP, we were joined by Professor Rosaldo Rossetti, responsible for monitoring the research, accompanied by Professor Armando Sousa, supervisor of the AI applied to Sport project, and Professor Pedro Diniz, from the Executive Committee of the Department of Computer Engineering, representing the Director of DEI.  


Through this partnership, ARMIS is getting closer to the scientific community and moving towards the future and innovation. We are very proud of this commitment, of what it has already offered us and of its contribution to R&D.  


You can read more about the work presented here: https://www.armis.pt/news/armis-lab-feup  

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