17 Apr, 2024

APP Escoita in the final of the Copa del Rey


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The RFEF's recent transmission of the Copa Del Rey final allowed people with visual impairments to follow the game live.

One of Escoita's most important features is its ability to create a truly immersive experience for each user, which emphasises inclusion. 


The app was present at the football event, which took place at the Estadio Olímpico de La Cartuja, in a match between Athletic Club Bilbao and Mallorca. Throughout the match, users were able to experience the emotion and energy of the game through detailed narration and precise commentary, which conveyed not only the events on the pitch, but also the atmosphere and emotion of the moment. 


By offering an accessible way for people who are blind or visually impaired to engage with sport, the app is playing a crucial role in promoting inclusion and equal opportunities, allowing more people to participate in and enjoy the world of sport. 


The narration of the Copa Del Rey final continues the path of inclusion that has been mapped out. As technology continues to advance and evolve, we can expect Escoita to expand to include an even greater variety of sporting events and become an integral part of the sporting experience for people who are blind or visually impaired around the world. 


Find out more about Escoita here   

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