29 Sep, 2020

How to implement a "Secure Work by Design" strategy


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With a Secure Work by Design approach, any organization can make their systems more resilient and reliable through security tools that are planned and tailored to their needs.

You already know the concept of Security by Design, but do you know how it can be applied to your business? This approach has gained ground in the market and has played an increasingly important role in organizations.


However, on this path to digital transformation, at what point do organizations think about the security of their business?  For many companies, defining layers of protection is not yet a priority.


According to the EY Global Information Security Survey 2020, 65% of companies only consider security after being victims of an attack.


With a Secure Work by Design approach, any organization can make their systems more resilient and reliable through security tools that are planned and tailored to their needs.



"The experience gained by the organization in incident management is extremely relevant in assessing the current risk".


Is your organization equipped with security mechanisms capable of dealing with cyber attacks? Are your employees prepared to understand and detect threats? We will help you get started!


First, to assess the current risk it is important to identify what your organization's assets are. Assets are all that represent value and require protection by the organization, whether they are technological or human assets.


After this first analysis, it is necessary to identify the type of threats to which the organization may be exposed due to the risk of these creating negative consequences on its assets. At the same time, these threats may be of natural or human origin and may be accidental or deliberate.


To do this, review the list of accidents that have occurred, those responsible for the asset in question, users who have been compromised and analyze the response given to the attack.


The experience gained by the organization in incident management is extremely relevant in assessing current risk.


Based on the above lists, identify the potential vulnerabilities that could be associated with your assets and in this way, you can develop the most appropriate security strategy for your business.



What can you achieve with a Secure Work by Design strategy?


Developing and implementing defense mechanisms to the point of making systems more secure requires some essential requirements, such as the adoption of more secure authentication measures and controlled access management, where it is possible to define who accesses what and what kind of content.


With a focus on a secure environment, it is also necessary to take into consideration the best programming practices to avoid failures and vulnerabilities and to perform continuous testing to monitor the emergence of threats.


By adopting this approach, it is possible to minimize the flaws that can compromise your organization, while maximizing the ROI of investments in this area.



Which technology will give you the best cost-benefit ratio? / Which technology should you choose?


Choosing the most appropriate technology for a Secure Work by Design approach can be a real puzzle, however, you should choose a solution that not only responds effectively to incidents but also protects the environment, users, devices and data of your organization.


At ARMIS we are aware that providing an end-to-end service is a facilitating factor for any customer. We choose solutions based on the three main security pillars such as identity and access management, threat monitoring and continuous device protection that can be integrated with the entity's local infrastructure in order to allow greater collaboration and efficiency of the teams.



Configuring intelligent defense layers


Remember that by configuring your layered security strategy, you are making your organization more capable of responding to any type of threat or attack. Find out now how to do it:


- Protect user identity and control access to important resources based on the user's level of risk.

- Keep confidential information protected regardless of location or device.

- Empower your organization against advanced threats and enable rapid recovery in the event of an attack.

- Protect remote access. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the best solution you can adopt to increase the security of your work at a distance. If you cannot distribute hardware security devices, use biometrics or mobile device authentication applications, by factor.

- Empower your organization with anti-phishing security mechanisms



Establish a safety culture


After implementing security mechanisms, make sure you are getting the most out of the features with an optimal configuration. Develop and implement a plan to maximize security with the help of your employees.


It is important for everyone to bear in mind that it's no use having the most advanced data protection tools if the culture of cybersecurity is not well-rooted in your teams.


When employees are unaware of the importance of digital security, they end up being a gateway to attacks and threats.


Strengthen your security posture with smart guidance and information that will protect your organization.

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