03 nov, 2022

Digital transformation starts with efficient management of physical workspaces


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New work models are here to stay, and making the physical spaces of organizations more modern and prepared for digitalization is more than a necessity.

New work models are here to stay, and making the physical spaces of organizations more modern and prepared for digitalization is more than a necessity. 



The arrival of the hybrid work arrangement initially caused some discomfort for organizations and largely due to a shift in priorities.    
Individual employees began to see how work could fit their needs, rather than their needs fitting the work.  

However, the partial return of employees to the physical spaces of organizations shows the need for companies to modernize their offices, making them more efficient and modern.  

The digitalization of processes and tasks has also allowed employees more freedom to organize their schedules, their physical presence, and their own way of working. Some employees prefer the quiet of telecommuting and others can only focus when they are in their corporate environment.  


With this in mind, and taking into account that many companies grew during the pandemic, ARMIS Information Technology, developed a platform for organizations to have a better experience in managing their physical spaces.  
Workplace HUB is an intelligent platform, capable of reorganizing workspaces according to the needs of each organization, bringing an assertive solution to this market emergency.   

This solution digitizes the office floor plans, in different locations, so that employees can reserve the available places. Through an interactive visualization, the reservation is made and approved by the teams responsible for office management, such as the Human Resources or Administrative department.  

In this way, the company has control over the frequency of employees in the offices, as well as the place where the person has been.   

With intelligent monitoring, the tool facilitates the creation of traceability reports, allowing an analysis of people flows for the correct functioning of the spaces.  
The Workplace HUB is fully adaptable and can be integrated with collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams. Thus, it becomes part of the organization's culture, besides being easy to access and use.  
Get to know our solution and contact our experts.


Marta Almeida - CBDO ARMIS

Marta Almeida | Chief Business Development Officer ARMIS 


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