20 Sep, 2022

How intelligent mobility management can revolutionize the urban development of cities


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Intelligent Mobility

In this mobility week we intend to show how sustainability and technology are pillars that go together and guide the way to the future of smart cities.

The global Smart Cities market is expected to double in size, reaching an investment of approximately US$ 820 billion by 2025, according to consultants Market and Markets. Much has been said about the long-term projection of the theme and how smart cities can bring a positive impact to other sectors of society, such as logistics, energy, security, etc.

Another fact that draws attention is that transportation is generally responsible for most of the CO2 emissions. In Brazil, for example, transportation is responsible for up to 48% of the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, according to the report of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions System (SEEG). In the European Union, transport is responsible for about 25% of carbon dioxide emissions, 72% of which come from road transport, according to the European Environment Agency report.

But is there really a solution to the great challenges of mobility and sustainability in urban development?


Technology can be a strong ally for public managers in these cases. Of course, it is also capable of supporting transportation companies, and concessionaires, among others, to be environmentally compliant and to fulfill their social role beyond what is required by law.


Today, artificial intelligence and data management can revolutionize the way we look at transportation and cities. Some platforms can map entire cities and exchange data for traffic forecasting, for example.


With technology in support of mobility management, it is possible to achieve sustainable planning of urban transport in order to raise the quality-of-life levels of citizens. And many times, it can be used in Traffic Control Centers or even in the palm of the hand of road users.


Intelligent transportation improves both local and inter-city logistics, helps avoid congestion on major city streets, supports contract administration and road maintenance, waste collection management, and other activities that reshape the way we see the future of cities.


Today, some cities in Europe are already putting into practice several policies that correlate technology, urban mobility, and sustainability. And it is precisely in this direction that the trends are moving. Thinking about an integrated and multimodal network that meets the basic travel needs of its passengers and at the same time respects the environment is a fundamental premise when dealing with the future of cities.


Thinking about the usability of the tools is also a point in question. Traffic managers and road users must easily use these technologies to broaden their use and extend innovation and sustainability. 


A 360° management of all movements in cities and highways, as well as maintenance support, contract management, and environmental compliance, make all the difference for digital transformation in transportation organizations and in public administration.


Drive 3.0, for example, is a product of ARMIS Intelligent Transport Systems that seeks to centralize all information related to traffic management on a single platform, supporting decision-making in control centers and supporting the daily life of utilities and public administration, whose teams and controllers can better plan their routines and enjoy relevant data that will contribute significantly to greater mobility organization and social well-being.


With so much innovation, it is possible to connect methodologies and platforms, obtain data and monitor information in real time, and thereby improve the experience of those who need to move around a city or make an intercity commute.


Worldwide, urban mobility is a major challenge for public policies and organizations related to urban transportation, but the technological revolution we are going through may be the key to a transformation. It is through technology that we will be able to revolutionize urban development. 



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