12 jul, 2023

ARMIS participates in DEI Open Day 2023 at FEUP


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In addition to the group's presence at the event, Carlos Costa, Chairman of ARMIS, participated in the session "Strong Academia-Industry connections".

On July 11, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto - FEUP, opened its doors for the 2023 edition of the DEI Open Day.  


DEI Open Day takes place annually and aims to be a showcase of the teaching and research activities of FEUP's Department of Computer Engineering (DEI), with the aim of exploring opportunities for collaboration with national and international companies. 


This year's edition opened with the session "Strong Academia-Industry Connections" of which Carlos Costa, chairman of ARMIS was part of the panel of speakers, along with Pedro Côrte-Real - Head of Technology at Sonae MC, Pedro Saleiro - Senior Director AI Research at Feedzai, Pedro Coelho - Research and Innovation Support Unit at FEUP, João Esteves - CTO / Head of Trends and Futuring at Critical TechWorks and Célio Albuquerque - Vice-President of Engineering at Synopsys Inc. The session also had Clara Gonçalves - Co-founder / Head of Partnerships and Strategy at Inductiva Research Labs as moderator.  


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